Want to be a Sponsor?
Gold Sponsors
Three people attend the Conference for free - sponsors identify two individuals in addition to sponsor rep who is overseeing Trade Display.
Please note: Trade Display reps are very welcome to move in and out of the Conference/Keynote sessions at any time. All catering is also included.
Receive complimentary Trade Display space (rather than $800 per day)
Will be acknowledged on the conference website and in the Conference program
Are given the opportunity to run a “workshop” during the conference
Are able to promote their support of education
Official Conference Opening acknowledgment from conference facilitator
Invitation to speak briefly about their products/services on at least one of the three days
May choose to offer conference participants a raffle draw, free handout, or other incentives
Silver Sponsors
Two people attend the Conference for free - sponsors identify one individual in addition to sponsor rep who is overseeing Trade Display.
Please note: Trade Display reps are very welcome to move in and out of the Conference/Keynote sessions at any time. All catering is also included.
Receive complimentary Trade Display space (rather than $800 per day)
Will be acknowledged on the conference website and in the Conference program
Official Conference Opening acknowledgment from conference facilitator
Are able to promote their support of education
Invitation to speak briefly about their products/services on at least one of the three days
May choose to offer conference participants a raffle draw, free handout, or other incentives
Bronze Sponsors
One person attends the Conference for free - sponsors identify one individual who will additionally oversee Trade Display.
Please note: Trade Display reps are very welcome to move in and out of the Conference/Keynote sessions at any time. All catering is also included.
Receive complimentary Trade Display space (rather than $800 per day)
Will be acknowledged on the conference website and in the Conference program
Official Conference Opening acknowledgment from conference facilitator
Are able to promote their support of education
For more information about Sponsorship opportunities, please contact the ACSA Office at acsa@acsa.edu.au or ring 02 6260 5660.