Scholarship Curriculum Forum Program
1/2 Day Attendance
Curriculum Inquiry is the international academic field that researches curriculum. In Australia, and Internationally, the field of curriculum inquiry faces several challenges. This Forum will examine the current state of the field, and the policy and systemic influences upon curriculum scholarship. The Forum will include a series of short presentations followed by group discussions and activities aimed to begin drafting a communique on the state of the field and road map to high quality impactful curriculum scholarship.
Please see the Scholarship Curriculum Forum Program Outline Below
Engaging in Curriculum Scholarship Forum Registration | coffee/tea
Engaging in Curriculum Scholarship Forum - Facilitators Dr Phil Roberts and Dr Kate O'Connor (Bio's - here)
Morning Tea
Engaging in Curriculum Scholarship Forum - Facilitators Dr Phil Roberts and Dr Kate O'Connor (Bio's - here)
Forum Finish
Participants will be asked to examine several key considerations
Why do we need Curriculum Inquiry?
What is the role of Curriculum Inquiry in initial teacher education, and teacher professional learning?
How is Curriculum Inquiry represented in the professional standards, and what are the implications of this representation.
What is the scope of Curriculum Research? i.e., policy, national frameworks, classroom practice, etc.
How effectively does Curriculum Research influence curriculum development at the national and jurisdictional level?
What are the key topics that need to be addressed through Curriculum Research?
How do we build professional capacity in Curriculum Inquiry?
Academic Scholars are presenting at the Conference
To view the program of Curriculum Inquiry Paper Presentations scheduled throughout the three day Conference Program