School-Wide Pedagogy and the Field of Schools:
The Foundations for Encouraging Staff Professional Growth in Disrupted Times.
Workshop | Dr Bruce Addison, Ms Susan Garson and Mr Andrew Pennay | Friday 23rd of June, 3.30pm | Roma Room
Encouraging and developing staff professional growth, in a truly collegial way, is always difficult in ‘normal’ times let alone in an era characterized by a once in a century pandemic. This presentation will highlight how a strategy of foregrounding the field of schools, as a deliberate questioning of performativity, has led to a deepening of our concept of professional practice. Our genuine commitment to embedding Cultures of Thinking, as the central pillar of our approach to School-Wide Pedagogy, will be used to provide evidence of what has been achieved.
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Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Presented by Dr Bruce Addison, Ms Susan Garson and Mr Andrew Pennay,
About Dr Bruce Addison
Dr Bruce Addison is Deputy Principal (Academic) at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Bruce has had a career- long interest in how the use of the language and concepts of the field of schools, as a counter to entrenched performative mindsets, can foster genuine educational and intellectual depth.
This counter culturalism has helped to inform the School’s approach to encouraging the professional growth and development of its teaching staff as well as its model of School-Wide Pedagogy.
About Ms Susan Garson
Ms Susan Garson is Director of the Centre for School-Wide Pedagogy. She has a national profile in the ongoing devolution of Harvard University’s Project Zero research, especially in the area of Cultures of Thinking. Susan is currently completing PhD studies at the Queensland University of Technology.
About Mr Andrew Pennay
Mr Andrew Pennay is currently the recipient of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Staff Fellowship. His substantive role at the School is Faculty Director - Creative Arts. Andrew has a national profile in the field of music education and has commenced PhD studies at the Queensland University of Technology.

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