Australian Teacher Workforce Data
Workshop | Saturday 24th of June, 11.30am | Wickham Room
Amanda Stevenson (AITSL) will be presenting on the Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD), an ATWD Teacher Survey, which offers an opportunity for every teacher to share their story and insights into the teaching profession. The ATWD Teacher Survey is the largest survey of the teacher workforce in Australia.
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Presented by Amanda Stevenson, AITSL Director, Evidence and Impact
Amanda Stevenson Bio
Amanda has managed the Evidence and Impact Team at AITSL since 2015. She has been involved with the ATWD from initial scoping of the project concept and project start up and continues to lead the project as we move into Phase 2 of the ATWD. Amanda is a research psychologist with over 25 years’ experience in both quantitative and qualitative research.
She has a deep understanding of data quality and integrity, including data reliability, validity and specification, psychometric principles and statistical analysis. Amanda has built research and evaluation capacity and undertaken research and evaluation projects across a range of policy environments, including health, mental health, child and family services and education, and she was responsible for establishing workforce data and analysis in the child protection sector.
Amanda’s career has been focused on building research and data capability to ensure that a quality evidence base underpins policy and programs and measures impact, and that it informs policy development and program implementation for optimising outcomes.

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