Expert Viewpoints - Tapping into Wisdom
Panel - Expert Viewpoints
Friday 23nd June - 11.25am | Grand Ballroom

Chair: Professor
Lee-Anne Perry

Jacqueline Wilton

Professor Alan Reid
Our expert Panellists have an enormous sense of the national and international policy landscape and we have asked them to provide some insights into the current “health” of our national education system; the tensions that are being felt with teacher shortages; & what can be done to drive excellence and help to address inequality.
Panellist Bios
Jacqueline Wilton | Chief Executive, QCAA
Jacqui is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. She has served as a teacher, Head of Department, Deputy Principal, Dean of Studies and Head of School in a range of Queensland schools. Before being appointed as CEO, Jacqui led the development and implementation of reforms to Queensland’s senior curriculum and assessment systems as Executive Director at the QCAA.
Jacqui is an accomplished strategic leader with a proven track record in delivering large-scale reforms in complex multi-stakeholder contexts. With over 15 years of senior leadership experience in both system and school contexts, Jacqui's leadership is marked by her ability to engender trust, build capability and pursue opportunities to innovate. She has a strong interest in assisting and supporting schools and service providers across kindergarten to Year 12 to strengthen curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment experiences.
Jacqui holds a Master of Business Administration, Master of Educational Studies (Leadership and Policy), Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary). She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has been recognised with awards from the Queensland branch of the Australian Council of Education Leaders and the University of Queensland
Professor Alan Reid | University of South Australia
Alan Reid is Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of South Australia where he has held a number of positions including Dean of Education, Director of Research Centres, and Professor of Education. He publishes widely in such areas as curriculum, education policy and the history and politics of public education, and gives many invited keynotes and talks.
He has been a key figure in some significant policy developments at the state and national levels. Alan’s contributions to education have been recognized through a number of awards including the Gold Medal of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL), the Alby Jones Award, and the Mackillop Medal (ACE). In 2012 he was made a member of the Order of Australia (AM); and in 2017 he was named as one of the four finalists for South Australian of the Year.
Professor Martin Mills | Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
Martin Mills is a Research Professor in the School of Teacher Education and Leadership at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He is also an Emeritus Professor of Education at University College London, where he was the Director of the Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research. His work has principally focussed on social justice issues in education. These areas have included: teachers’ work, curriculum and pedagogical practice, alternative education, and gender and education. He is the editor in chief of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
Panel Chair
Professor Lee Anne Perry AM | Professor of Practice, QUT
Professor Lee Anne Perry AM is the inaugural Professor of Practice (Educational Leadership and Partnerships) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Prior to commencing in this role in February 2023, Professor Perry was the Executive Director (CEO) of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC).
Professor Perry has had a longstanding involvement in school education as a teacher, school and system leader including over twenty-five years as a principal. Lee Anne has been a member of many state and national associations and committees concerned with school and higher education. She is currently a Director of the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and an Honorary Professor of the Australian Catholic University.
Professor Perry has been actively involved in many educational reviews including as a panellist for the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools led by David Gonski AC, a member of the STEM Partnership Forum chaired by the Chief Scientist, Professor Alan Finkel AO, and a member of the Queensland Premier’s Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce. Lee Anne is a passionate advocate for education from the early years to higher education, including vocational education and is particularly committed to supporting collaboration, partnerships and connections within and between education sectors and systems.