Disrupt auto pilot during social interactions between leaders and a team member to build trust, connect, grow and thrive.
Paper Presentation | Judi Newman | Friday 23rd of June, 4:35pm |
We judge others in the first few minutes by their trustworthiness, warmth and competence. This nonconscious instinctive response is directly connected to our emotional, social and thinking brain’s neural circuitry. Our brain operates on primitive software and this auto pilot thinking has significant implications for school leaders and high performing teachers. Explore how neuroscience can shed light on why some leadership and teaching behaviours are more effective than others. Learn what happens in the interpersonal space between teacher and student, (and principal and teacher) so you can adjust your behaviours for improved trust, rapport and growth.
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Presenter Bio
Dr Judi Newman | Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia
Dr Judi Newman, PhD is the Director of The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia and is an expert in applied neuroscience, a field of study that takes the latest in social cognitive neuroscience research and applies it to leadership, motivation, learning and influence. Her mission is to boost influence through strengthening leadership capacity and learning impact, through a neuroscience lens and sharing evidence-based practice. She is a former high school principal and current adjunct senior lecturer and associate research supervisor for Central Queensland University.