Australian Curriculum V9 Update
Master Class | Julie King | Thursday 22nd of June - 3pm | Leichardt Room
Educators will be guided by ACARA’s Senior Manager, Curriculum to explore the key changes and refinements to the Australian Curriculum. They will learn about the features of the Version 9.0 website and how these can be used in curriculum planning.
Educators will reflect on where they are at in the implementation journey and consider how best to transition their planning to reflect Version 9.0. They will select from a range of planning tools and collaborate with others to map a plan of action.
They will become familiar with the suite of resources on the Version 9.0 Australian Curriculum website.
Julie King
Senior Manager, ACARA
Julie King, Senior Manager, Curriculum, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) works with the learning area curriculum specialists on projects such as the development of work samples, resources and professional learning.
She was the Project Lead, Digital Technologies in focus and Curriculum Specialist, Technologies. Julie coordinated the development and review of the F–10 Australian Curriculum: Technologies. She has previously worked as a teacher, distance education writer, curriculum advisor and manager for the NSW Department of Education.