How can I use the Australian Curriculum when co-designing a teaching and learning plan with local First Nations community/ knowledge custodians?
Workshop | Max Lenoy | Friday 23rd of June, 2.15pm | Terrace Room
How can I use the Australian Curriculum when co-designing a teaching and learning plan with local First Nations community/ knowledge custodians? What are the first steps I need to take?
Schools and teachers have the responsibility and opportunity to establish strategies to ensure the voices of local knowledge custodians are engaged when developing teaching and learning plans. ACARA has designed the FIRST framework to assist teachers to co-design teaching plans with the local First Nations community. Workshop participants are encouraged to bring along a unit of work to analyse with the FIRST framework. This presentation will share an update of the v9 Australian Curriculum with a specific focus on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cross-curriculum priorities and the Year 7 Deep Time History of Australia HASS sub-strand.
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Max Lenoy
ACARA | Curriculum Specialist
Max Lenoy is a Kuku Yalanji, Jirrbal, and Warungnu bama from North Queensland. He is the Curriculum Specialist, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Max is developing First Nations resources with communities, schools and institutions for the recently released Australian Curriculum Version 9.0.