Student voices in the Australian curricular landscape: an analysis of student participation across sites of curriculum making
Paper Presentation | Rebecca Cairns | Friday 23rd of June, 3:30pm |
The concept of student voice has been increasingly embraced by education systems. Yet, student-centred curriculum inquiry research and curriculum policy in Australian and international contexts remains limited. This paper asks: How and where are students participating as curriculum actors across the Australian curricular landscape? It argues, if we seek to make students feel more connected to the curricular landscape they inhabit–especially in times of uncertainty–curriculum making processes and research needs to be more inclusive of student voices across a range of sites and communicate to students how their input makes a difference.
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Rebecca Cairns | Lecturer, Humanities Education, Deakin School of Education
Rebecca is a lecturer at the Deakin in the School of Education, based in Geelong on Wadawurrung Country. Her curriculum inquiry research focuses on history education and Asia education, as explored by her new co-authored book The Asia literacy dilemma: A curriculum perspective (Cairns & Weinmann, 2023). Her latest projects explore student perspectives on the status of school History and the possibilities for decolonising Australian history teaching. She has joined the team as an associate editor of the ACSA’s journal Curriculum Perspectives. Prior to working in Higher Education, Rebecca was a secondary school teacher in Victoria and Far North Queensland.