Australian Curriculum V9 Update
Keynote 4 | Sharon Foster | Friday 23rd of June - 11.00am | Grand Ballroom
The Australian Curriculum Review was completed in 1 April 2022 (except for the languages), and this presentation aims to explain the outcome of this review and the next stage to build familiarity and develop high quality teaching and learning programs and teach it. This sessions is designed to share the facts, while challenging you to wonder about where you will focus your attention going forward. This will be a chance to wonder about the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 refinements and be curious about how this will impact curriculum and assessment practices in your school. I wonder what you are excited about?
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Sharon Foster
Executive Director, Curriculum, ACARA
Sharon Foster was appointed Director, Curriculum in November 2021. She initially joined ACARA in September 2020 as Senior Manager, leading the consultation process for the review of the Australian Curriculum.
Sharon came to ACARA from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), where she was the Manager of the Victorian Curriculum: F-10 Unit responsible for the development and delivery of the Victorian F-10 Curriculum. Prior to that, she worked in senior program and policy roles across the Department of Education and Training, Victoria focused on developing and delivering curriculum projects and professional learning programs